Wednesday, April 24, 2024 05:18

Archive for May, 2018


Monday, May 28th, 2018

Queue is a linear data structure in which there are two operations defined: adding an element to the tail (enqueue) and extract the front-positioned element from the head (dequeue). These two operations take a constant time to execute, because the queue is usually implemented with a linked list.… Read more


Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Stack is a linear data structure in which there are 3 operations defined: adding an element at the top of the stack (push), removing an element from the top of the stack (pop) and inspect the element from the top without removing it (peek).… Read more


Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

Dynamic list (List<T>) is one of the most popular data structures used in programming. It does not have fixed size like arrays, and allows direct access through index, unlike linked lists (LinkedList<T>). The dynamic array is also known as “array list”, “resizable array” and “dynamic array”.… Read more

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