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Archive for April, 2018

Linked List

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

Singly and doubly linked lists (also known simply as Linked Lists) hold collection of elements, which preserve their order. Their representation in the memory is dynamic, pointer-based. They are linked sequences of elements. Adding is a fast operation, but it is a bit slower than adding to a List, because every time when we add an element to a linked list, we allocate a new memory area.… Read more

Array List

Monday, April 23rd, 2018

ArrayList is a dynamic array. What that means is that an ArrayList can have any amount of objects and of any type. This data structure was originally designed to simplify the processes of adding new elements into an array. Under the hood, an ArrayList is an array whose size is doubled every time it runs out of space.… Read more


Friday, April 20th, 2018

We talked about arrays before, in an entire chapter. The arrays are collections of fixed number of elements of a given type (strings, integers, etc) where the elements preserve their initial order. Each element can be accessed through its numerical index, which starts at 0.… Read more

Data Structures

Friday, April 20th, 2018

A data structure is a collection of data of same type, grouped together by some criteria (usually, the type of data). In fact, we have already learned about one type of data structure, the array. But, aside of the array, there are other kinds of data structures, each with its own behavior, advantages and disadvantages.… Read more

Follow the white rabbit