A data structure is a collection of data of same type, grouped together by some criteria (usually, the type of data). In fact, we have already learned about one type of data structure, the array. But, aside of the array, there are other kinds of data structures, each with its own behavior, advantages and disadvantages. They are: Array (T[]), ArrayList (ArrayList()), Linked list (LinkedList<T>), Dynamic array (List<T>), Stack (Stack<T>), Queue (Queue<T>), Dictionary implemented with a hash-table (Dictionary<K, T>), Dictionary implemented with a balanced search tree (SortedDictionary<K, T>), Set implemented with a hash-table (HashSet<T>), Set implemented with a balanced search tree (SortedSet<T>), where <T> is the type of data we want to store, as learned in Generics.
We will also find out how we can use classes and structs as data types.
In the next lessons, we will analyze them one by one and compare their caracteristics.
Tags: C#, data structures