Tuesday, February 11, 2025 12:12

Posts Tagged ‘observer pattern’

Observer Pattern

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

According to Microsoft, observer pattern is a behavioral design that allows one object to notify other objects about changes in its state.

Many beginner programmers (and even more experienced ones) have a hard time understanding the link between delegates and events, and the core upon which this link is built is represented precisely by the observer pattern.… Read more

Delegate chaining

Friday, January 24th, 2020

An useful property of delegate objects is that multiple objects can be assigned to one delegate instance using the + operator, process called delegate chaining.

Delegate chaining isn’t really useful until we will get to events and event subscribers, which will come in a future lesson, but it’s better to describe the behavior now, after you’ve seen a bit of delegates inner workings.… Read more

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