Saturday, May 18, 2024 10:40

C# keywords

December 26th, 2016

C# programming language defines a few keywords that have a special meaning for the compiler. When you chose your variables, classes, methods names, you must be careful to avoid using these C# keywords, or you will get compiler errors, and your program will not compile.… Read more

Declaring and initializing variables

December 26th, 2016

The next topic in our lessons will be declaring and initializing variables. What do those terms mean?

As we already said in a previous lesson, declaring a variable means creating a new variable, by telling the compiler its type and its name.… Read more

Variable types

December 25th, 2016

When you declare variables in your programs, you must indicate to the compiler the type and the name of the variables. There are many variable types and derivations of them. A type defines the amount of data a variable can store, and the set of operations the program can perform on those data.… Read more


December 25th, 2016

If you want your program to perform useful actions, it has to store information. As you might know, every time you run a program, the operating system loads the program’s instructions into the computer’s RAM memory. While running, your program stores values in the memory locations by using variables, just like in mathematics X and Y store a value, therefor being variables.… Read more

Semicolon character

December 25th, 2016

If you look backwards to the few lessons we had so far, you will notice that we used a lot the semicolon character. This character has a special and important meaning in C#.

As you already know, a program is composed by a list of instructions that perform some actions.… Read more

Formatting codes

December 25th, 2016

Formatting codes refers to the process of adding spaces, new lines and tabs, with the sole purpose of improving the visibility and readability of our codes. The compiler does not care of these so-called “white spaces”. For it, they have no meaning.… Read more

Comments in C#

December 24th, 2016

Sooner or later, you will need comments in C# programs (and any other programming language, for that matter). No doubt about that. You must become accustomed to using comments in your programs that explain the processes that the software executes. This means, in short, messages to yourself (and other programmers) that will help you remember and understand in the future what the program is about and what various bits and parts of it do and behave.… Read more

C# differentiates between uppercase and lowercase

December 24th, 2016

When you are writing your programs, you must remember that C# considers lowercase and uppercase characters as different. As a general rule, most C# commands start with a capital letter and continue with lower case letters. C# constants are usually written all in uppercase, while variables use a mix of upper and lower case letters.… Read more

Structure of a C# Console program

December 23rd, 2016

In the previous post, I have created our first C# program, a console application that displayed a single sentence and which contained the following instructions:

structure of a C# program
It is now the time to analyze the structure of a C# Console program.… Read more

Short introduction to Visual Studio interface

December 22nd, 2016

Ok. In the previous lesson we created our first project. Fine so far. But… what’s next? What’s with all those buttons and files, and lines of text and… damn! What do we do now?!

Chill! Don’t panic, stay with me. I know it’s intimidating at first, and you will easily get lost.… Read more

Follow the white rabbit