Sorted Set is the preferred data structure when we want to have sorted items and also to eliminate duplicate elements. Unfortunately, its performance is worse than that of a Hash Set or a Dictionary. The following program declares a new Sorted Set and adds elements to it:
Sorted Set
June 16th, 2018Hash Set
June 14th, 2018There are two types of Sets in the System.Collections.Generic namespace: SortedSet and HashSet. Both of them offer the functionality of storing non-duplicate items. The main difference between them is the fact that the SortedSet obviously has its items sorted. Therefor, if you do not care about the order in which the items are stored, you are better off performance-wise to use a HashSet.… Read more
Sorted Dictionary
June 8th, 2018Sorted Dictionary is just a normal Dictionary data structure, but with its keys sorted. Of course, it is obvious that having its elements sorted will make this data structure slightly slower than a normal Dictionary, but it does offer the advantage of making an in memory sorted lookup very easy.… Read more
June 1st, 2018The data structure Dictionary suggests storing key-value pairs and provides a quick search by key. In common language, this means that instead of elements receiving a numerical index, as in the array case, they receive a specific type as a key (this is what the K stands for in the Dictionary<K, T> concept; T stands for the type of the values stored in the dictionary) for accessing elements.… Read more
May 28th, 2018Queue is a linear data structure in which there are two operations defined: adding an element to the tail (enqueue) and extract the front-positioned element from the head (dequeue). These two operations take a constant time to execute, because the queue is usually implemented with a linked list.… Read more
May 2nd, 2018Stack is a linear data structure in which there are 3 operations defined: adding an element at the top of the stack (push), removing an element from the top of the stack (pop) and inspect the element from the top without removing it (peek).… Read more
Linked List
April 24th, 2018Singly and doubly linked lists (also known simply as Linked Lists) hold collection of elements, which preserve their order. Their representation in the memory is dynamic, pointer-based. They are linked sequences of elements. Adding is a fast operation, but it is a bit slower than adding to a List, because every time when we add an element to a linked list, we allocate a new memory area.… Read more
Array List
April 23rd, 2018ArrayList is a dynamic array. What that means is that an ArrayList can have any amount of objects and of any type. This data structure was originally designed to simplify the processes of adding new elements into an array. Under the hood, an ArrayList is an array whose size is doubled every time it runs out of space.… Read more