Thursday, November 14, 2024 13:52

Creating first project

December 21st, 2016

Now that you have successfully installed Visual Studio (hopefully), it’s time to create our first project. Open Visual Studio. Once it loads, you can either click on File – New – Project menu at the top, or click the “New Project” link on the start page.… Read more

Installing Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition

December 21st, 2016

Since I started this C# learning project, a few things have changed. Today I will talk about one of these things. And, good news: a new version of Visual Studio has been released. So, today we will talk about installing Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.… Read more

Installing Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition

December 21st, 2016

Important note! This article is now obsolete, a new version of Visual Studio is now available (Visual Studio Community Edition 2017). Read about the installation process of the new version here!

In the last post, I have explained that in order to be able to develop programs, you will need a compiler, and if you’re not directly interested in programming blindly (and trust me, you aren’t!),… Read more

Introduction to programming

December 19th, 2016

Computer programs, also known as “software”, are a series of instructions that the computer can execute. When you are creating a program, you must specify the instructions that the computer must execute in order to achieve the desired operations. The process of defining the instructions that the computer executes is called programmingRead more


December 19th, 2016

Beginner level software engineering


Introduction to programming
Installing Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition
Installing Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
Creating first project
Short introduction to Visual Studio interface
Structure of a C# Console program
C# differentiates between uppercase and lowercase
Comments in C#
Formatting codes
Semicolon character
Variable types
Declaring and initializing variables
C# keywords
Choosing significant variable names
Interacting with the Console

Read more

The red pill

December 19th, 2016

Last year, my friends and I were discussing the possibility of starting a free online resource for teaching programming to the (to my happiness) ever increasing number of people willing to make the leap from “consumer” to “creator”, and whether such a project is realistic or not.… Read more

There is no spoon!

December 17th, 2016

Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Let me tell you why you’re here.… Read more

Follow the white rabbit