Tuesday, February 11, 2025 12:46

Posts Tagged ‘break operator’

Yield break statement

Tuesday, May 11th, 2021

Whenever we use the yield keyword in a statement, we indicate that the method, operator, or get accessor in which it appears is an iterator. Of course, since we know that iterators are used to… duh! iterate on collections of data, and since we know that when iterating on a collection, we can use the break keyword to immediately terminate the iteration, it is only obvious that whenever we use an yield return statement to return values in an iterator, like I’ve shown in the previous lesson, we can also use yield break to terminate the iteration of the said iterator.… Read more

Break operator

Monday, January 16th, 2017

The break operator is used whenever we want to end a loop immediately, even before ending its execution in a natural way. Whenever the Break operator is met, the execution of the loop is immediately stopped and the program continues executing the first instruction that follows after the loop.… Read more

Follow the white rabbit