Tuesday, February 11, 2025 11:38

Posts Tagged ‘Enumerable’

Writing custom LINQ extension methods

Monday, June 7th, 2021

In the previous lesson, when I introduced you to a preview of what LINQ looks like, I ended up with this code:

And we learned that the free form syntax of LINQ is the same thing as the declarative syntax of LINQ, which is also the same with some bunch of extension methods for the IEnumerable interface, declared inside a class called Enumerable.… Read more


Monday, May 24th, 2021

Finally, we now know enough to start talking about LINQ, which is an acronym for Language Integrated Query which is basically just a fancy way of doing queries and SQL-like things in C#. If you don’t know what SQL is, you should probably research about it a bit first, but, at a macro level, SQL (Structured Query Language) is just a language for interacting with databases.… Read more

IEnumerator and IEnumerable

Friday, May 8th, 2020

Before we can start delving into LINQ, we need to first understand the underlying principles upon which it is built. LINQ is all about operations over collections, so, you’ve guessed it: we will be dealing with collections.

You already learned that of all data structures, arrays are the fastest, because they are unsorted non-generic data structures.… Read more

Follow the white rabbit