Wednesday, April 24, 2024 22:53

Posts Tagged ‘heap’

Stack vs Heap memory

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018

Today we are going to talk all about memory. There are multiple types of memory when it comes to software, but for now we are only interested in two of them: the Stack and the Heap. Whenever we execute a program, its instructions are loaded into the RAM of the computer, and the operating system will allocate a bunch of physical RAM, so that the executable can run.… Read more


Friday, April 21st, 2017

So far, we have often used Console.ReadLine() in our Console programs, in order to get some text input from the user. Whenever we needed to use that text (and even inspecting the Console.ReadLine() method signature), we needed to store that text in a string variable type.… Read more

Follow the white rabbit